Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Trailer of the Day: The Ward


I really wanted to think of something witty to start things with but every time I start to think about The Ward I...*sigh*...

Look Carpenter, you've had some really great movies. Most of your work is pretty entertaining, even the bad stuff (with maybe some small exceptions). You know how to make a scary movie and when you're not doing scary you know how to make it campy and fun. This movie, however, was not scary or campy or even fun. What it was, is boring and predictable.

If you've seen a few horror movies, then you will probably guess the "big twist" pretty easily. That would be forgivable if the rest of the movie wasn't bland and lifeless. Lets fill a movie with unlikable characters and then show the unfrightening "monster" a bunch. This is not a good idea.

I was really hoping for something great, I really was, and maybe if it was someone different behind the camera I be a little more forgiving, but lets face it Carpenter, we expect more from the master.

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