Saturday, September 22, 2012

Trailer of the Day: THEY LIVE

Ok, so I know I've been doing a lot of harping on John Carpenter's failures lately. You might even get the impression that I'm not a fan of his work. Let me dispel that notion right now, because THEY LIVE  is one of the finest horror films ever made.

Even though it might not be Carpenter's scariest film (that honor belongs to The Thing), I really feel that it's his best. The film's message is pretty powerful, but still tongue in cheek enough to keep it fun. Not only that but it also has the absolute most pointless, ridiculous fight scene ever, but I guess that's not too surprising seeing as how the movie stars Rowdy Roddy Piper. Where is the remake on this one? I'd love to see that fight scene redone with The Rock and Idris Elba.

This movie is also probably Keith David's best performance. That guy does not get anywhere near enough recognition. He's one of those guys who always plays the same part in every movie, but hey, that never hurt Nicolas Cage's career.

The trailer is pretty boss too. For some reason I love it when they say part of the movie's name over and over before giving you the full title. It's also pretty cool that they don't show any of the creatures till the little glimpse right before the end. I can imagine seeing the trailer in the 80's before you could just look it up on youtube and pause.

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