Sunday, September 23, 2012

Trailer of the Day: Big Trouble in Little China

Despite my love of this movie, I've never seen the whole thing in one sitting. I mean I've seen the entire movie, just not all at once. So Friday night I sat down with a friend and thought "Now I'll do it, I'll finally watch it all the way", half an hour later I was sound asleep.

Anyway, I still love Big Trouble, even though I've had to watch it in parts. It's probably Carpenter's most nuts film (Prince of Darkness comes close though), and because it doesn't take itself too seriously the actors can just cut loose. Kurt Russel is quite the madman here. He totally hams it up but it's not really out of place with the rest of the madness going on.

I'm surprised that the trailer shows so much of the movie with out really giving away any of the plot. Of course the plot is pretty bat-shit insane so I guess it would be kind of difficult to really give it away. Now that I think about it, Big Trouble  is kind of like a sanitized version of Raw Force. Seeing as how Raw Force came out in '82 (4 years before this) I wonder if Carpenter was at all inspired by it. Well I'll tell you one thing   Raw Force doesn't have, a crazy mystical gorilla monster! Man, that thing scared the crap out of me when I was a kid!

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