Monday, September 17, 2012

Trailer of the Day: Ghosts of Mars

I tried watching this, I really did. I figured there was no way it could be as bad as it's reputation. Even if it was that bad maybe it would have a certain lovable charm to it like Battlefield Earth (which was a great movie, YOU SHUT UP!).

I didn't make it past the first 20 minutes. Ghosts of Mars suffers from the worst affliction any movie could have, it's boring. I'm fine with bad movies, me and bad movies are cool, but bland movies are something else all together. When a you're watching a movie and you realize it's not quite bad enough, you know you have a problem. I didn't even get to see if there was an inevitable show down between bad-boy Jason Statham and bad-boy Ice Cube.

I don't know if it's just me but it seems like a lot of 90's horror movies were like this. I can think of  some good 90's horror movies if I try hard enough (Candyman come to mind), but I can't think of any bad ones. Maybe there were no bad horror movies in the 90's just boring, totally forgettable ones. Ghosts of Mars  is like a death knell for the 90's wailing on just after it's passing.

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