Thursday, May 5, 2011

Trailer of the Day: House

Much like yesterday's entry, when I was a child I found this movie to be both horrifying and totally strange. Unlike yesterday's entry this one is still pretty freaky.
There's actually an odd parallel between this and The Gate in my childhood. When I lived with my mother I  watched The Gate  a lot, but it was mostly just because it was on T.V. a lot. Later, when I moved in with my father, I watched House a lot. This was mostly due to my father's odd preference in movies. My dad is the toughest movie critic I've ever met, but when he finds something he likes he will watch it over and over again, which is why we watched  House a lot. Lucky for me this is actually a pretty awesome movie!

The trailer does a decent job conveying the weirdness in this flick. It doesn't really give any indication that it's pretty funny too, which something I didn't appreciate till I watched it as an adult (young me just wanted monsters).
On another note, something else I didn't realize till later in life, is that the score was done by Harry Manfredi of Friday the 13th fame. I've only recently watched my way through Friday the 13th series and since all of Harry Manfredi's scores sound the same, I kept feeling like I was watching House. Every time Jason jumped out of nowhere to murder someone I just felt relived that it was only Jason and not some horrible lovecraftian monstrosity.

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