Thursday, May 19, 2011

Trailer of the Day: El Topo

YEAH! Now this is what I'm talkin' about! I flipping love this film! Although The Holy Mountain is considered by many to be Jodorowsky's best film, I happen to be partial to this one. After all, El Topo is one of the greatest horror cowboys ever (tomorrow I bring a list of the top 10 horror cowboys, I know you've all been waiting for it).
Now I know that, much like The Holy Mountain, El Topo  is not quite horror, but it's complete strangeness makes up for it's lack of outright horror elements (although it does have it's fair share of horrific moments...).

If you doubt the awesomeness of El Topo, just watch the trailer again and listen to the first line. "Be prepared to  live the most wonderfull experience of your life.". HOW CAN YOU ARGUE WITH THAT?!?

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