Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Trailer of the Day: The Holy Mountain

Now I know that this isn't quite horror, but The Holy Mountain  is quite possibly the most bizarre movie you'll ever see. It is without a doubt Jodorowsky's masterpiece but, in my opinion not his best film (that honor belongs to El Topo). I wasn't joking yesterday when I referred to this as Symbolism: The Movie. Make no mistake, this movie is pretty much all insanity and symbolism. Not that that's entirely a bad thing, I'm sure a lot of people have gotten a lot of different things from this movie, sometimes though it does come off as a bit heavy-handed.

I will give it this though, it's inspired a lot of musicians from Beck to System of a Down to write trippy songs referencing a trippy movie. Go back and watch the trailer around the 1:53 mark, then watch the video below around the 1:36 mark.


Finally I'd like to note that I love how the trailer proclaims "The Holy Mountain  is a movie outside the tradition of cynicism or review". Riiiiiiiiiiight. Well, 70's announcer guy, I'm reviewing it (sort of), HOW YA LIKE THAT!

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