Friday, April 22, 2011

Trailer of the Day: Troll

I haven't seen this in probably 15 years, but I remember it being one of the most awesome (awesomest?) movies ever. Watching this trailer as an adult I'd have to agree with my younger self as it does look quite awesome, but this might be for different reasons than I would've thought as a kid.
I always thought it was cool that it was a horror and fantasy movie rolled into one. Looking at it now it seems alot more fantasy than horror, especially compared to other fantasy/horror movies like Pan's Labyrinth. It's  also interesting to note that the main character is named Harry Potter Jr. and he uses magic to save the day. Prolific!

The trailer is one of those "were just going to show you everything" trailers. Why bother paying attention to the plot when you can just watch the trailer first! This one especially goes out of it's way to lay out all the details. Maybe alot of people were showing up to movies late around the time this came out and the filmakers thought they were helping people out by showing them all the important plot points ahead of time.

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