Sunday, April 24, 2011

Trailer of the Day: Troll 2

Ahhhhh, the infamous Troll 2, often times labeled the best worst movie. As a connoisseur of terrible movies, I unfortunately have to dispute this title. It makes me die a little inside when I realize that I can think of at least 4-5 movies off the top of my head that are far worse than this.
Not that this is good movie, there are just many other far worse horror movies (see Trailer of the Day: Boarding House). Even outside the realm of horror other movies have it beat. Have you ever seen Battlefield Earth? John Travolta shows up within the first 15 minutes dressed like a Klingon, sounding like Pee-Wee Herman and shoots a horse with a laser beam. If that's not a recipe for a great movie, I don't know what is!

Wait, are we still talking about bad movies...

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