Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Trailer of the Day: Twilght Zone: The Movie

This movie scared me beyond belief when I was a kid. For years I found Dan Aykroyd to be a terrifying and mysterious individual. Even when I saw Ghost Busters I kept expecting him turn onto a ghost or something...

On another note this is one of the most uninteresting trailers I've ever seen. I can understand not wanting to give away anything about the movie, since each segment puts alot of stock in the "twist", but still.

I was pleasantly surprised this week to find out that all of the original Twilight Zone (except for season 4 for some reason) is watchable on netflix instant watch. I'm currently marathoning my way the series and am happy to report that it's even better then I remember it.
During the summer when I was a kid, there was a station that would play two episodes of the Twilight Zone followed by two episodes of the Outer Limits (a show that was vastly inferior, yet often compared to, the Twilight Zone). One of the highlights of my summer vacation was sitting around with my grandmother and watching 3 hours a day of wonderfully bizarre classic television.
When I'm finished season 1 I'll have to post a best of/worst of list.

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