Thursday, August 22, 2013

Trailer of the Day: Crawlspace

This movie is the definition of an underated classic.

Crawlspace is a totally bizare movie from the 80's that feels sort of like Saw with less lessons in morality and more death traps.
The basic plot is that a weird old ex-nazi owns an apartment building in which he only rents rooms to young, attractive women. This is becasue he likes to move through the crawlspace and spy on them. He also has numerous deathtraps set up and likes to sit by himself and play russian roulette.

Are you sold yet?

I love how nuts this movie is! It doesn't try and explain anything. It doesn't give any real motivation for the characters. It just sort of exists. In other movies this might be a problem, Crawlspace  has so much weird stuff going on that you don't really care.

I would say the trailer does a great job selling it except it doesn't have any parts with Klaus Kinski speaking and his oddball depressing monolouges really makes the movie. 

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