Friday, November 12, 2010

Trailer of the Day: Night of the Seagulls a.k.a. The Blind Dead 4

Now we've come to the fourth and final installment of the Blind Dead movies. I've heard numerous people say that this one is the best of the bunch, but I disagree. Not that it was bad, mind you, it just wasn't the best. Where "tombs" was slow and creeping and "return" was more action packed, this film seems like it wanted to do a little of both but doesn't really succeed either way. I would put this one at third best but only because the first two were so good. There is a wide margin between this and "The Ghost Galleon".

My only big issue with this movie is the terrible lighting. All of these movies have several scenes that are set during the night but clearly filmed during the day. In the first three this was either kept to a minimum or shot in as little light as possible (dusk or dawn), but this one has scenes that are supposed to be in the middle of the night and it looks like it was a bright afternoon! What the hell! Maybe the budget was lower or something, but it feels like they just got lazy.

Oh yeah, and the trailer is pretty boring too, worst of the four, with no unintentionally funny moments to be found.

(Also what's with the title? Night of the Seagulls? Really?!? Least menacing title since Night of the Lepus!)

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