Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Inaugural post! My Top Ten Favorite Horror Movies!

Everyone loves lists, right? So want better way to start a blog, huh? These movies may not be the best or even the scariest, but thier personal favs that hold a special place in my heart.
10: Suspiria
Dario Argento's disturbing masterpiece is one of the most tense movies i've ever seen. Using a driving score and some very twisted set piecies, this one grabs you and doesn't let go. I'll never forget watching it for the first time with my roomate whom, after the razor wire scene, sits silent for a moment then says "Dario Argento is a terrible person....". Classic.

9: The Howling
One of the best werewolf movies ever made. Scary in all the right places with a somewhat bleak ending that does not disapoint. Sometimes I find it hard to belive that the man who made this was responsible for Looney Toons: Back in Action and Small Soldiers.

8:Evil Dead 2
Ok, so everyone's seen this a thousand times (myself included), but how could I not inclued one of the most hilariously manic horror movies of all time. I have found memories as a kid of watching this over and over with my father and two little brothers, laughing uproariously but still being a little scared at parts. If you've never seen this go rent it today, and don't worry about seeing the first beforehand, as this is pretty much a remake.

7:The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Speaking of childhood favorites, this movie traumatized me as a child. My uncle let me watch this with him one time and freaked me out for years to come. The violence and "slasher" never bothered me, but it was so fricken bizzare! As a kid I never fully understood what was going on and that made it a hundred times more frightning. Going back and watching it as an adult I get it but it's still pretty fricken bizzare....

6:Dead and Buried
I was lucky enough to see this little gem in an actual theatre at a horror convention last year. An odd movie with an odd plot that revolves around small town murders that are followed by the victims returning alive as residents of the town. This is one of those classic 80's movies that's clever and a little creepy at parts, plus it's got one of the best "twist" endings of all time.

Slow, creeping horror at it's finest, don't confuse this japanese masterpiece with the trashy american remake. This is an epic drama/ghost story/end-of-the-world movie that is sometimes terrifying, sometimes heartwrenching. On the surface it's a story about ghosts making people just disapear, but it's really a tale of lonleyness and alienation. It's got kind of a slow build so if your impatient you may want to skip it, but the pay-off is big, especially when they finally show what the ghosts look like.....

4: The Omen
Speaking of slow builds, this ones a classic. Pretty shocking for it's time, The Omen is a grotesque battle between good and evil, as one man struggles with the growing realization that his son may be the antichrist. The remake was ok but no where near as good as the original.

3:John Carpenter's The Thing
Holy crap is this a freaky movie! This one has everything, great actors, an incredible setting, and of course one of the most horrific monsters of all time. The Thing keeps you guessing who's "infected" and who's not right up to the bleak depressing end.

2: House
You may not have ever heard of this one but trust me when I say it's one of the best horror movies you'll ever see. Rodger Cobb, a divorced writer, moves into his aunt's old house after his son disapears and his aunt hangs herself. While living there strange things start to happen and Rodger starts to think his son may be alive traped inside the house! Terrifying, intriguing, and pretty funny at parts, it's the type of movie you want to watch over again because it feels like you missed something.

1:Let the Right One In
I feel in love with this movie as soon as I saw it. Probablly the best vampire movie ever made, it's a tale of love and childhood innocence....with vampires! If you haven't heard of it, you be living under a rock, and you should deffinetlly go see it. Just do yourself a favor and get the version with the theratrical subtitles.

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